At a time when devastating fires have destroyed half of Attica's beautiful green and leafy forests, including the ones that were so painstakingly afforested earlier in 2009; at a time when Greece's political system, leaders and politicians have fallen way short of people's expectations because of their lack of vision and unwillingness to fight the monster of corruption which has set Greece so far back in many ways, we decided that we will put the pettiness and the 'miseria' behind us and think positive!
This video is a tribute to the triumph of the Global Greek Spirit, Athanato Elliniko Pnevma - immortal, generous and optimistic.
This is the spirit which fights on, refusing to yield to adversity and always brings out the best in the Hellenic people wherever they may be - a people which survived many hardships and wars, incredibly difficult moments in it's history but has lasted for thousands of years!
The concert was given by the Youth Choir of St Panteleimon's Church in Kalamaria, Thessaloniki during the 25th March Celebrations, and is conducted by Father Theodore Tzambatzidis. We don't know the name of the young girl singing so beautifully undaunted by the fact that she is reading her music in Braille, but we thank them all from the bottom of our hearts for such an optimistic and positive reinforcement of our wonderful Global Greek Spirit!
Zito to Athanato Elliniko Pnevma!
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