
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Global Greeks at Work: If Elgin was in....

They say that a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words...

It took two of our Global Greeks,Alexis Mantheakis and Ares Kalogeropoulos,both born and raised outside Greece,to get together and mastermind this marvellous series of pictures titled If Elgin was in... driving the point home much more emphatically than thousands of words ever could.

Direct and with impact, the reaction when we posted these pictures on our Facebook Page was instant and overwhelmingly positive!


....unfortunately, and we all know the disastrous results of Elgin's stay in Athens - the unprecedented destruction of the monument in order to rip the sculptures from their natural home and transport them to England.

However the sculptures have 'spoken', and their message is loud and clear...

 Bravo Ares and Alexis! Messages like this inspire spread the word around the world!

This campaign is one of many especially aimed at the British Museum, which steadfastly refuses to part with the sculptures ripped from their original home by the not-so-noble Lord Elgin...

About the creators:

Ares Kalogeropoulos, one of our Global Greeks living in Germany, is the creator of the I AM GREEK AND I WANT TO GO HOME movement, an independent movement for repatriation of the magnificent statues and sculptures plundered in days gone by and now held 'hostage' in various museums around the world.

Alexis Mantheakis, born in East Africa and now living in Greece, is Chairman of the International Parthenon Sculptures Action Committee Inc (NZ),  a movement which started on Facebook for the repatriation of the Parthenon Sculptures. 

As Global Greek World, we are pleased to be part of the IPSACI movement from the very first day, supporting Greece's just demand for the return home of these unique works of art pillaged by Elgin and which remain imprisoned at the British Museum...

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