
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Kalo Taxidi Dimitri Mitropano - One of Greece's Great Singers!

 Popular 'entechno/laiko' singer Dimitris Mitropanos 
who died suddenly today in Greece

 On this day last year, we farewelled another great Greek singer, Nikos Papazoglou.

Although we knew Mitropanos had health problems, the news 
we heard on the radio as we were coming back to Athens after our Easter holiday in Sparta was a real shock .... Dimitris Mitropanos had passed away this morning, that magnificent voice was silenced.

Click on play on the embedded playlist below and listen to the unique 'laiko' voice, the 'people's' voice, of a man who learnt to fight for the things he believed in from a very young age, a man who knew how to breathe real life into all his songs, some really wonderful and unforgettable songs that we have all danced to, fallen in love to, laughed and cried to and definitely sung, at some point in our lives, we're sure.  The first Mitropano song I ever heard was dedicated to me by my first love - I may have moved on from that love but how can anyone forget the moment or the song...

This medley of Mitropanos' most popular songs is our tribute to him, starting with our personal favourite  We will never find Kythera...

Τα Κύθηρα πότε δεν θα τα βρούμε      

Κάτσε στην πέτρα του γιαλού
βάλε το χέρι αντήλιο
πάρε μια χούφτα θάλασσα
πάρε μια χούφτα ήλιο
και πλύνε μου το πρόσωπο
και πλύνε μου το πρόσωπο.

Τα Κύθηρα πότε δεν θα τα βρούμε
το χάσαμε το πλοίο της γραμμής
στα κύματα του Αιγαίου θα χαθούμε
δυο κύματα που σβήσανε κι εμείς....

Source: Stixoi
  Kalo Taxidi!

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