
Saturday, December 31, 2011

It's Almost 2012! Καλή Χρονιά! Kali Hronia to Everyone in our Global Greek World!!! Happy New Year!!!

Our traditional Greek New Year goodies

2012 looks like it is going to go well..
Our daughter and her friends did the rounds of the neighbourhood this morning and sang the traditional New Year carol, Arximinia ki'Arxixronia
Despite the economic crisis in Greece, the children were rewarded handsomely for their efforts... a great omen.

In the photo above you can see that we have gathered all our traditional New Year goodies ...  GREEK made bubbly wine for us this year, 
a pomegranate which will be thrown to the ground at midnight,  
and the traditional gouri - plant which will adorn the door!

Our euros are ready for the traditional card game and we are ready to greet the New Year full of hope and optimism 

We hope that 2012 will be a pivotal year for us all - a year full of Health,Happiness, Love, Peace and Prosperity!


Ευχόμαστε ότι το 2012 θα είναι χρονιά σταθμός για όλους μας 
Χρονιά γεμάτη Υγεία, Ευτυχία, Αγάπη, Ειρήνη και Ευημερία!


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