
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Κάνε Kουράγιο, Ελλάδα μου! Courage, Ma Grece! Courage, My Greece....

The words of this beautiful song are as timely and appropriate today, 26 October 2011, another historic day for Greece as the world awaits the results of a critical and pivotal EU Summit Meeting, as they were when Sofia Vembo first sang it in 1946, in a Greece devastated by war but dignified and courageous in the face of the poverty and destruction wrought by the occupying German forces in the Second World War... 

It is that very same Greece, that very same people  who have the will and the determination to weather the current storm and survive...

Greece, our Greece, the Greece we know and love, our homeland, the land whose heartstrings are attached to us and pull us close wherever we are in the world,  the Greece which is deep in our heart, deep in our soul... 

That same Greece which has remained strong and survived much worse in the course of her history,

That same Greece which has been through so many storms and adversities... no matter what the outcome,


Hellas wants to live and live she will!

Κάνε κουράγιο Ελλάδα μου...

Ποιος το περίμενε στ' αλήθεια,
να βγουν ψευτιές και παραμύθια
και να ξεχάσουν τώρα πια τα λόγια εκείνα τους,
που μας τα 'λέγαν κάθε βράδι απ' τα Λονδίνα τους.

Μα δεν πειράζει, δεν πειράζει,

δεν θα το βάλουμε μαράζι
και δεν θα κλάψουμε που πάλι μας ξεχάσατε,
γιατί δεν είν' πρώτη φορά που μας τη σκάσατε
και στην υγειά σας μια οκαδούλα εμείς θα πιούμε
και στη μικρή την Ελλαδούλα μας θα πούμε:

Κάνε κουράγιο Ελλάδα μου

κι όσο μπορείς κρατήσου
και στα παλιά παπούτσια σου,
γράψε όσα λέν' οι εχθροί σου.

Κι αν μας τη σκάσανε με μπαμπεσιά,

οι σύμμαχοι στη μοιρασιά,
κάνε κουράγιο Ελλάδα μου, να μη μας αρρωστήσεις,
γιατί το θέλει ο Θεός να ζήσεις και θα ζήσεις.

Σε κάθε χιονισμένη ράχη,

σαν πολεμούσαμε μονάχοι,
όλοι λαγούς με πετραχήλια μας ετάζατε
και μεσ' στα μάτια με λατρεία μας κοιτάζατε.

Μα ξεχαστήκαν όλα εκείνα,

η Πίνδος και η Τρεμπεσίνα,
ίσως μια μέρα εμάς που τόσο αίμα εχάσαμε,
να μας καθήσουν στο σκαμνί, γιατί νικήσαμε.

Μα φυσικό θα μας φανεί κι αυτό ακόμα

και στην Ελλάδα μας θα πούμε μ' ένα στόμα:

Κάνε κουράγιο Ελλάδα μου

κι όσο μπορείς κρατήσου
και στα παλιά παπούτσια σου,
γράψε όσα λέν' οι εχθροί σου.

Κι αν μας τη σκάσανε με μπαμπεσιά,

οι σύμμαχοι στη μοιρασιά,
κάνε κουράγιο Ελλάδα μου, να μη μας αρρωστήσεις,
γιατί το θέλει ο Θεός να ζήσεις και θα ζήσεις... 

Lyrics/Στίχοι: Μίμης Τραϊφόρος / Mimis Traiforos
Music/Μουσική: Μιχάλης Σουγιούλ / Mihalis Souyioul
First Release/ Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Σοφία Βέμπο / Sofia Vembo
Source: Stixoi 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

YES, Global Greeks CAN! St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church at Ground Zero to be Rebuilt!

“We are grateful to our esteemed Governor and precious friend Andrew Cuomo for bringing to reality the dream we have nourished for ten long years. St. Nicholas Church, rising again with the help of God at Ground Zero - where it stood spiritually important for 85 years, is an affirmation of the significance of religious freedom and experience for all New Yorkers and all Americans. The covenant stands firm. We will again light many candles in the new St. Nicholas Church and remember those who were lost to us, and those heroes who so nobly sacrificed their lives. Our pledge is to be a witness for all New Yorkers, that freedom of conscience and the fundamental human right of free religious expression will always shine forth in the resurrected St. Nicholas Church.” 

Archbishop Demetrios, on the long awaited agreement with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey on the rebuilding of the St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church.

Photo by: Eric O'Connell
Photo Source: Rebuild St Nicholas at Ground Zero Facebook Page 

St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church which was destroyed in the terrorist attack and subsequent collapse of the twin towers on September 11, 2001, will be rebuilt.

In New York, The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America announced the much awaited and long overdue agreement with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey regarding the rebuilding of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, which was destroyed in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo invited Archbishop Demetrios and the Hierarchs of the Holy Eparchial Synod of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, together with leadership of the St. Nicholas Parish and the Archdiocesan Council to his New York City office for the official signing of the agreement by Archdiocesan Council Vice-Chairman Michael Jaharis and Port Authority Executive Director Chris Ward. Archbishop Demetrios and Governor Cuomo signed as the formal witnesses to the agreement.

Archbishop Demetrios expressed particular praise for Governor Cuomo and also expressed deep appreciation to Michael Jaharis and Dennis Mehiel and the other members of the joint committee who had laboured so diligently to accomplish this historic agreement.

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo: “We lost St. Nicholas Church in the destruction of September 11 and for too long its future has been uncertain. Rebuilding St. Nicholas Church, with a nondenominational bereavement center, is not just good news for the Greek Orthodox community, but for all New Yorkers. With this agreement, we are continuing New York’s collective healing, restoration, and resurgence. Now we are finally returning this treasured place of reflection to where it belongs.”

According to the Port Authority Press Release:“The agreement … permits the rebuilding of the Church with a nondenominational bereavement center at the east end of Liberty Park, at 130 Liberty Street. The agreement follows a four-month independent engineering study commissioned by the Port Authority and the Archdiocese, which found that the Church could be built on the site with minor modifications to the original plan and with no impact on the World Trade Center construction schedule.”

In Washington, D.C., U.S. Reps. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) and Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY), co-chairs of the Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues, welcomed and applauded the agreement:

Rep. Bilirakis :“The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese has been ready, willing, and able to re-erect its beloved church for some time now and I am pleased that the Port Authority and New York City officials have reached this important and symbolic agreement to reconstruct St. Nicholas Church. As the only house of worship destroyed in the tragic attacks on 9/11, St. Nicholas not only serves as a house of prayer and worship for the Hellenic community, but is a reminder that the United States and its resounding faith cannot and will not be held down by those who wish to harm us. I look forward to the day that this church re-opens its doors and the first post-9/11 Divine Liturgy is celebrated,” said Rep. Bilirakis.

Rep. Maloney:“I congratulate Governor Cuomo, Archbishop Demetrios, and Chairman Ward for their hard work to reach this agreement.  Rebuilding St. Nicholas Church, along with the major progress underway at the World Trade Center site, will help complete our city’s recovery from the 9/11 attacks.  St. Nicholas Church has been an important part of the Hellenic community for generations, but has also served as a place of respite, calm, and prayer for countless others in the lower Manhattan community.  I am delighted that this iconic Church will soon rise again,” 

Greek Americans, Greek American Associations all over the USA, and all Greeks, in Greece and abroad, Global Greeks who have worked hard and unstintingly for this cause, welcomed this historic decision with a great sense of relief, joy and vindication. 

We at Global Greek World, congratulate all those involved... we know that when we Greeks work together, united and determined, nothing is impossible! 
Greece, the Church of Greece, the Ecumenical Patriarchate, organisations and individual people from all over the world have sent money in support of the rebuilding. 

For those that can afford to, let's send a donation to help finance this truly worthwhile project.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Greece's Political Leaders: No Jobs ...No Clue... No Friends...No Voters!








No Comment!!!!

PS Just found out who the creator is! Congratulations to Triantafyllos Omyridis -Greek Photoshop specialist. Great job Triantafylle, we are still laughing...just what Greece needs right now...good reasons to laugh even if it is at ourselves!!!! 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Steve Jobs vs George Papandreou...

Apple's Tribute to Steve Jobs - the visionary
Source: Apple 
Source: received by email
Creator :Triandafyllos Omyridis

Macabre humour, and in its own way, a Greek satirical tribute
to Steve Jobs
The toolbar at the top says it all...
Lefta Yparxoun, FastTrack, Haircut, AiMak, AiPant, AiSixtir,
Support and search for ... Australia!

The Greek PM's tribute tweet to Steve Jobs...
from our GGWorld Twitter Feed

Our wish for Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou? 

That he too begins to think differently and outside the box 
to courageously change the standards and lives of millions of HIS people...
instead of following the usual unproductive and unimaginative course of taxing his people to exhaustion!

We know he can! 

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Kalimera & Kalo Mina! Καλημέρα & Καλό Μήνα!!! :)

Dedicated to all of those in our Global Greek World 
who love this beautiful country called 
Greece,Ελλάδα, Hellas...

Whatever our problems may be, wherever we are,  
in Greece or around the world, 
let's be optimistic and make the most of every moment!

Greece's beloved ballad singer Yiannis Parios
and a song guaranteed to start your day in the right way - 
with a smile! 

Καλημέρα, Τι Κάνεις... 
Good morning, How are you?

Have a fabulous day and a great month! ... 

Kalimera & Kalo Mina!