
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Happy 95th Birthday #MelinaMercouri - with a Google Doodle Tribute highlighting her #ParthenonSculptures Campaign! Did we inspire Google? We hope so!

Today's Google Doodle Tribute to Greece's amazing Melina Mercouri and her campaign for the Return of the Parthenon Sculptures
Thank you Google! 

We were thrilled to wake up to this Google Doodle today and honoured that we may well have played a small part in bringing it about when we wrote to Google suggesting something similar for the 20th anniversary of her death.

They didn't do it then but they've done it now to celebrate the 95th Anniversary of her birth and her campaign for the Return of the Parthenon Sculptures to Greece. 

Did we inspire Google? We hope so!

Here is a copy of our email

To: Google
From: Global Greek World
Date: 18 February 2014 

We were reading through the Google lists and saw that the public can submit proposals for Doodles... so here goes. 

On 6th March it will be 20 years since Melina Mercouri,  Greece's famous actress and Minister of Culture died... 

Melina Mercouri is the one who started up the campaign for the repatriation of the Parthenon Sculptures stolen by Elgin, and the creation of the new Acropolis Museum in Athens to house them. Melina even had provision made to keep one hall for them until they return. This hall has white plaster copies of the stolen artefacts to highlight the difference with the originals at the British Museum.

Since George Clooney has now stepped into the fray and the debate on the side of Greece, it might make a fantastic doodle...a Parthenon doodle, with the Parthenon Sculptures, Melina, Jules Dassin,  George Clooney, the New Acropolis Museum and the Acropolis hill...

How about it? Have we inspired you?

Please consider it!

Thanks so much! 
Global Greek World

Link to the Google Doodle Page

At Global Greek World, We ♥ Greece...and it shows! 
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