
Sunday, October 13, 2013

I Had a Dream....An Evening with Angela... Angela Merkel!

 Last night I had a dream...
I dreamt of Angela... 
Angela Merkel!
Not just an ordinary dream either...

I wasn't somewhere she was, and saw her in passing... 
or in this shop window in Athens when she visited last year...

 nor did I bump into her on the empty streets 
during  her visit through Athens last year

I wasn't at the Greece v Germany Football Game

 Not at all!
We were both guests at a social function somewhere I couldn't determine, probably in Athens and I was chatting with her for at least an hour!

What did I say to her? 

Everything that any Greek would like to say to the person whose austerity policies have affected if not destroyed every single Greek household, bringing them to the brink of bankruptcy... to the brink of despair.

 What could I say to the person whose intransigence and adherence to this infamous austerity is especially responsible for the new poverty that has struck Europe.
I told it like it was, described the situation on the streets, 
the dire circumstances of 90% of Greece's population and told her that she is entirely on the wrong track! That it would be so much more productive to bring in incentives for employment and development, to free up the money supply to encourage this development and allow Greece to grow. 

That it would be better for Greece but also for Germany!
That she needs to give Greece a chance...

That it wasn't just about loans and interest rates. 

That there are people behind the numbers, people who are suffering, suffocating.
That two of the main reasons for the rise of the extreme right, a criminal Nazi based party called Golden Dawn, is the newly-imposed poverty and newly acquired misery for the average person, along with the lack of hope in the future for a younger generation that is highly qualified but cannot find a job to suit those qualifications in Greece. 
What was particularly pleasing was that she agreed with me and promised she would make sure things changed now that she was re-elected.

I woke up feeling elated and that I had done something for Greece, my homeland, and the rest of Europe!

What a wonderful feeling and no mean achievement! 

Alas for Greece however, it was just a dream... 
some would say a nightmare!

For a moment there though, I felt on top of the world! 

Prophetic? Wishful thinking? Who knows...

To all the dream analysts out there ...

I would love to see how you interpret this! 

🇬🇷 💙 🇬🇷

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