
Monday, June 24, 2013

Meet the World in Greece: The Entire World in ONE Package!

Meet the World... in Greece
Posters, Concept and Execution: Ares Kalogeropoulos 

Contemporary, Medieval, Byzantine, Classical....

Tibet, Dakota, Switzerland... Kaimaktsalan, Meteora, Plastira Lake

Scotland, Sweden, Finland... Methoni, Athens, Pertouli

Alps, England, Bahamas, Sahara - Agrafa, Epirus, Paxoi, Limnos


Mars, Venus, Moon, Uranus... Santorini, Nisiros, Milos, Kefallonia

Western, Epic, Adventure, Sci-Fi - Sofiko-Peloponnese, Zagorohoria-Epirus, Melisani Cave-Kefalonia, Santorini

Kenya,istanbul, Tuscany - Strofilia Forest, Xanthi, Lake Kaiafas

 Austria, Iceland, Miami - Parnassos, Drakolimni (Dragon Lake), Kos

Amazon, Arizona, Hawai -  Kythera, Arvi Canyon (Crete),Vai (Crete)

South Africa, Florida, Monaco -  Pylos, Elliniko, Flisvos

Fiji - Lefkada

Highlands, Russia, Maldives - Platamonas, Athos, Balos Crete
Germany, Portugal, China - Vegoritida Lake, Corfu, Mount Athos

Thailand, Brazil, Galapagos - Kalymnos, Loutraki, Limnos

Ireland, Mexico, Cuba - Corinth, Mykonos, Chania

 You don't have to go to the Moon to see these craters, just come to Greece!

You don't have  to go to the Bahamas to find these seas, just come to Greece! 

From the mountains of Tibet to the mountains of the Moon,
you can see it all somewhere in this beautiful country,

Greece: the country where you can find the entire world in one small package!

Greece: the land the Gods chose for their home.

Join us! 

The concept and execution of this superb new campaign come from talented Global Greek photographer/musician Ares Kalogeropoulos.

Ares has visualised how we all feel about Greece...

Ares is the creator of the I am Greek and I Want to Go Home Campaign for the Return of the Parthenon Marbles which is a candidate for the Greek Internet e-Awards this year.

You can vote for Ares here

Like us, Ares ♥ Greece...and it shows!

Bravo Ares!  

Please share and spread the word! 

and be sure to click Like on the 
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 At Global Greek World, We ♥ Greece...and it shows!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

27 June 2013-3rd Annual Capital Link CSR Forum in Greece: «Ο Άνθρωπος για τον Άνθρωπο»

 H CAPITAL LINK με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας προσκαλεί στο


με θέμα :

«Ο Άνθρωπος για τον Άνθρωπο»
και τη συμμετοχή 100 ΜΚΟ απ’ όλη την Ελλάδα

την Πέμπτη, 27 Ιουνίου 2013

στην Αίγλη Ζαππείου.


Cocktail Reception  - Aegli Garden: 20:00 -22:00

Η παρακολούθηση είναι δωρεάν

Κεντρικός ομιλητής στο Συνέδριο είναι ο κ. Γιώργος Λογοθέτης, Πρόεδρος και Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος του Libra Group.

Το Libra Global Internship Program είναι το μόνο πρόγραμμα πρακτικής άσκησης του είδους του στην Ελλάδα.

Σε συνεργασία με το Deree College και το Greek American Foundation, το πρόγραμμα αυτό αποτελεί χαρακτηριστικό παράδειγμα του πνεύματος υποστήριξης που είναι τόσο απαραίτητο στην Ελλάδα, βοηθώντας κάθε χρόνο 35 με 40 ταλαντούχους νέους ανθρώπους να δουν τον κόσμο μέσα από το πρίσμα ενός διεθνούς επιχειρηματικού Ομίλου. Κάθε ασκούμενος λαμβάνει μία θέση εργασίας για διάστημα έως 6 μηνών στον Όμιλο Libra ή σε μία από τις θυγατρικές του παγκοσμίως.

Υπό την ηγεσία του κ. Γιώργου Λογοθέτη, ο Όμιλος Libra έχει  επίσης ιδρύσει και διαχειρίζεται το Ελληνικό Βραβείο Επιχειρηματικότητας (Hellenic Entrepreneurship Award).

Έχοντας δεσμεύσει για το σκοπό αυτό κεφάλαιο  € 5.000.000, ο Όμιλος Libra επιδιώκει να δημιουργήσει ευκαιρίες τόσο για έμπειρους όσο και για εκκολαπτόμενους επιχειρηματίες στην Ελλάδα, παρέχοντας στους νικητές καθοδήγηση, χρηματοδότηση και ένα πλήρες φάσμα υπηρεσιών υποστήριξης για επιχειρήσεις.

Τον Απρίλιο αυτής της χρονιάς τέσσερις επιχειρήσεις επιλέχθηκαν ανάμεσα σε 300 υποψήφιες, ως οι νικητές αυτού του πολυπόθητου βραβείου για το 2013.

Το Συνέδριο θα τιμήσουν με τη παρουσία τους και ομιλία τους :

    ο Υφυπουργός Ανάπτυξης, Ανταγωνιστικότητας, Υποδομών, Μεταφορών και Δικτύων κ. Θανάσης Σκορδάς ο οποίος υποστηρίζει από κυβερνητικής πλευράς κάθε προσπάθεια δημιουργίας νέων προοπτικών για νέες επενδύσεις και νέες ευκαιρίες για όλους

    ο Δήμαρχος Αθηναίων κ. Γιώργος Καμίνης

    ο Πρόεδρος της Κ.Ε.Ε.Ε. και του ΕΒΕΑ κ. Κωνσταντίνος Μίχαλος

Participation is free

Register Online Now

 Capital Link continues to support the sustainable development in Greece by promoting and presenting both the initiatives from the business side, as well as the activities and needs of NGOs and organizes the 3rd Annual Corporate Social Responsibility Conference scheduled to be held in Athens at the Aegli Zappiou, on Thursday, June 27th, 2013 under the Auspices of the City of Athens and Athens Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

Keynote Speaker at this year’s conference is Global Greek Mr. George Logothetis, Chairman and CEO of the Libra Group. The Libra Global Internship Program is the only internship program of its kind in Greece. In collaboration with the Deree College and the Greek America Foundation, this program exemplifies the spirit of support that is so needed in Greece by helping 35 to 40 talented young people each year to see the world through the eyes of an international business group. Each intern receives a work placement of up to 6 months with the Libra Group or one of its global subsidiaries.

Under George Logothetis’s leadership, the Libra Group has also founded and is managing the Hellenic Entrepreneurship Award. With a commitment of €5 million Libra seeks to create opportunity for both experienced and budding entrepreneurs in Greece by providing winners with mentoring, funding and a full range of business support services. In April this year four businesses selected from 300 applicants were selected as the winners of this coveted award for 2013.

The Deputy Minister of Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks Mr. Thanasis Skordas will participate at the forum and will address the audience. The Minister supports from the government side, every effort aiming to create new prospects for new investments and opportunities for everyone. Also the Mayor of Athens, Mr. George Kaminis as well as Mr. Constantine Michalos, President of the Union of Hellenic Chambers of Commerce and Industry and the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


During the 3rd Annual CSR FORUM, there will also be a specially designed space where NGOs will be able, through their representatives, to communicate their programs, objectives and needs and achieve new collaborations and partnerships.

This is an initiative of Capital Link which can be realized thanks to the support of the companies participating at the Forum aiming to create live and direct interaction of all CSR stakeholders.


Our theme for this year is «People for the People». We live in an era of global economic crisis with particularly negative consequences for our country and our society. Both personal and social lives of many of our fellow citizens have been badly affected. Greek businesses are struggling to face the serious consequences of the crisis. Furthermore, the deep crisis of institutions and values has caused a general feeling of unreliability and lack of confidence.

At the center of all this is the Greek citizen, the driving force of this country, although “wounded”- more than ever is deeply aware of the importance of volunteerism, the personal effort, the private initiative and above all the human solidarity towards a better and sustainable future.

The conference aims to highlight just that. In order to be effective and profitable in todays global and connected world, companies need a global vision of “who they are” and what they want to be with regard to globally responsible products/services, the right communications strategy, committed employees and customers who are engaged in and supportive of CSR programs. These can and do provide some of the glue to hold these various piece parts together.    The conference will discuss current pressing issues such as:

   •global water scarcity
   •renewable energy
   •solid waste management
   •supply chain management
   •volunteerism and commitment of employees
   •socially responsible investments, etc.

There will also be presentations about SMEs , the effective communication policy regarding CSR strategy and new trends on reporting practices etc.

About Capital Link 

Follow Capital Link

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At Global Greek World, We ♥ Greece...and it shows!
© GlobalGreekWorld 2013 All Rights Reserved

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Photo of the Day: Ψυχοσάββατο - Saturday of the Souls

 Kolyva, prosforo and a long list of names of loved ones no longer with us

Ψυχοσάββατο - Saturday of the Souls today,
 the Saturday before the Pentecost,
and we remember our loved ones

Aιωνία τους η μνήμη...

May their memory be eternal...

At Global Greek World, We ♥ Greece...and it shows! 
© GlobalGreekWorld 2013-2019
All Rights Reserved

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Photo of the Day: At ERT's Solidarity Concert, The Human Face of the Greek Economic Crisis

One picture 1000 words: at ERT's amazing concert

A young woman in the choir is overcome by emotion as she sings the Greek national anthem at tonight's solidarity concert ...

Like many of her fellow musicians she cannot hold back the tears -
moving moments, the human face of the crisis

 Συγκινητικες, ανθρωπινες στιγμες στην συναυλια συμπαραστης της ΕΡΤ - 
 Δακρυσε ψελνοντας τον Εθνικο Υμνο και δακρυσαμε κι'εμεις μαζι της :( 

Σε γνωρίζω από την κόψη
του σπαθιού την τρομερή,
σε γνωρίζω από την όψη
που με βιά μετράει τη γη.

Απ' τα κόκαλα βγαλμένη
των Ελλήνων τα ιερά,
και σαν πρώτα ανδρειωμένη,
χαίρε, ω χαίρε, Ελευθεριά!

Watch the live streaming of ERT here 

Watch part of the concert below...

Economics vs Culture and Civilisation?

A very moving extract which beautifully depicts yesterday's emotion packed solidarity concert from the ERT studios in Agia Paraskevi and seen by millions via the streaming facilitated by the EBU and various TV/Radio and websites which have embedded the links.

We wouldn't have missed it for the world... the concert was superb... civilised resistance without violence but with culture and music, the real Greece. It is probably the best State TV - liberated from party lines and government constraints, free and open - that we will ever see.

The Journalist's comment at the end of the video says it all...



Definitely not! 

At Global Greek World, We ♥ Greece...and it shows!
 © GlobalGreekWorld 2013 All Rights Reserved

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Photo of the Day: Summer in Greece is... Blue! Deep Blue! Καλό Καλοκαίρι!

 Summer in Greece is ... Blue 

Deep Blue...

Glorious  Blue... 

Blue... as far as the eye can see

Blue... Unlimited

Blue without borders...




Το Απέραντο Γαλάζιο

  Καλό Καλοκαίρι! 

At Global Greek World, We ♥ Greece...and it shows!

© GlobalGreekWorld 2013 All Rights Reserved

Monday, June 3, 2013

Global Greek Humour: Greek Lovers and the Nymphomaniac Convention...

Apollo, the Greek God of Music
Statue at Athens Academy

A man boarded the aircraft at Athens' Eleftherios Venizelos Airport on a direct (thankfully) flight for New York.

As he settled into his seat, he noticed a beautiful young woman boarding the plane.

He realised she was heading straight toward him and - wait for it - she sat right next to him.

Hello, he blurted out, Business trip or vacation?

She turned, smiled enchantingly and said,  
Business. I'm going to the annual Nymphomaniac Convention in the United States.

He swallowed hard. Here was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen sitting next to him, and she was going to a meeting for nymphomaniacs!

Struggling to maintain his composure, he calmly asked,  

What's your business role at this convention?

Lecturer, she responded, I use my experience to disprove some of the popular myths about sexuality.

Really, he smiled, what myths are those?

Well, she explained, one popular myth is that African-American men are the most well-endowed when, in fact, it's the Native American Indian who is most likely to possess that trait.

Another popular myth is that French men are the best lovers, when actually it is the men of Greek descent.

We have also found that the best potential lovers in all categories are the Irish.

Suddenly the woman became uncomfortable and blushed.  

I'm sorry, she said. I really shouldn't be discussing this with you, I don't even know your name!

Tonto, the man said.  
Tonto Papadopoulos, but my friends call me... 

Thanks Korina X, Athens

At Global Greek World, We ♥ Greece...and it shows!

 © GlobalGreekWorld 2013 All Rights Reserved

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Photo of The Day: Anti-Fascism Message from Crete

No room for Little Fascists in Chania's alleyways

Message from Chania, Crete and the people who fought fascism at great personal cost as the island celebrates the 72nd anniversary of the Battle of Crete

Thank you to Global Greek Foot and Mouth artist Ilias Raftopoulos for this picture.

Ilias Raftopoulos - a self portrait

Born in Kalyves, Greece in 1958, Ilias attended primary and secondary school in Crete, and went on to attend Art School in Athens. In August 1981 he became tetraplegic after a tragic accident which left him with fractured fifth and sixth vertebrae. He started to paint with the mouth in 1986 and just one year later was able to participate in an exhibition in his hometown Chania. In 1988 he was granted a scholarship by the Association, and in 1994 he became associate member, achieving full membership  of the AMFPA in 1998.

In the last few years Ilias has been living in Sweden.

Among his favourite motifs are the landscapes of his homeland, Greece, which he paints in vivid Mediterranean colours. He is also fond of portraits. He uses both oils and water-colours. His works have frequently been shown at personal and group exhibitions at home and abroad. 

You can see some of Ilias' amazing art on the VDMK site 

At Global Greek World, We ♥ Greece...and it shows! 

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