
Friday, April 5, 2013

Ευχαριστούμε Ισπανία! Thank You, Spain! Gracias Espana!

The Spanish students say 'Gracias Grecia!'
We say 'Gracias Espana!'

Yesterday in Athens Greece officially thanked and honoured Aristides Minguez Banos, Pedro Prunera Conejero, Jose Miguel Martinez Vaquer, Alfredo Lopez, Paty Lopez Davalos and Marien Perez Zarauz, a group of teachers from Spain who were responsible for a wonderful gift they gave the people of Greece a couple of months ago. 

Their gift? A brilliant, inspiring and uplifting video, a real ode to Greece and her legacy to the world. In 7 short minutes, the Spanish teachers and pupils thank Greece for what it has given the world, and point out just some of Greece's many contributions to today's society.

Democracia, Geografia, Aristocracia, Historia, 
Fisiocracia, Anarquia, Autarquia, Clima....
words of Greek origin in Spanish  -
just part of Greece's enormous legacy to the world

From Democracy to Language, Medicine, Science, and Music, from semitones to photocopies, our friends and fellow sufferers from Spain, which is going through its own debilitating economic crisis, go through some of Greece's accomplishments and her contributions to language, history, science, sport and culture which have left an indelible mark on the world.

Gracias, Grecia - Nuestra herencia 

 Thank you Greece - Our heritage

In a ceremony at the General Secretariat  of the Ministry of Culture, organised with the Agia Paraskevi Rotary Club, Mr Kostas Tzavaras, Alternate Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, Culture and Sport, thanked the teachers and the pupils for the video and the support they gave so generously to the people of Greece.

Thanking the Minister, Mr Aristides Minguez Banos said the following - in Greek:

«Χωρίς την Ελλάδα δεν θα υπήρχαν ούτε η πολιτική, ούτε η δημοκρατία. Χωρίς τους Έλληνες δεν θα είχαν αναπτυχθεί οι επιστήμες. Δεν θα ήμασταν αυτό που είμαστε χωρίς τους στίχους του Καβάφη και του Ελύτη, χωρίς τη φωνή της Κάλλας, χωρίς τη μουσική του Μίκη Θεοδωράκη και του Μάνου Χατζηδάκη, χωρίς το φως του Αιγαίου. Ευχαριστούμε για όλα την Ελλάδα μάνα μας. Η Ελλάδα ρίζωσε στις καρδιές μας για πάντα. Νιώθουμε αδέλφια και είμαστε υπερήφανοι για αυτό που είστε και θα είστε».

Our translation :

"Without Greece there would be no politics or democracy. without the Greeks the sciences would never have been developed. We wouldn't be who we are without the poetry of Cavafy and Elytis, without the voice of Callas, without the music of Mikis Theodorakis, without the light of the Aegean. Thank you for everything, Mother Greece. Greece is deep in our hearts forever. We feel we are siblings and we are proud of all that you are and all that you will be" 

Thank YOU, Aristides!   
Even your name, a Greek name, is very appropriate 
 He who excels! 

Ευχαριστούμε Ισπανία! 
Thank You, Spain!  
Gracias Espana! 

At Global Greek World, We ♥ Greece...and it shows! 

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