
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cyprus Still Divided - A US Foreign Policy Failure: Don't Miss Documentary Screening

'There is no AMERICAN reason why the Turks should not 
have one third of Cyprus'  **

Really? We don't happen to agree just as so many Americans didn't  but of  course the world's opinions didn't count in this case just as it hasn't in so many others ... 

Since when has illegal invasion and occupation of another country not been an American reason? Look how fast the powers-that-be moved when Iraq invaded Kuwait ...

If you are in or near Clearwater, Florida, don't miss this will be well worth the effort!

For details of screening, please click on picture.

** No prizes for guessing who made the above statement, by the way! It was of course Dr Henry Kissinger, former US Secretary of State at the time of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus

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