
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Global Greek World Thanks Everyone Around the World Who Has Visited Our Site!!!! :)

Syntagma - Greek Parliament - Vouli ton Ellinon

Efharistoume Poly!! Ευχαριστούμε Πολύ!!! Thanks a million!!!!

Gotcha!!! You probably thought our next post would be about the new government!!! But no, we decided to write about that later...

Today we are dedicating our post to our readers and friends...

We at Global Greek World would like to thank our wonderful friends around the world who have taken the trouble to visit our site and leave comments, either here, on Twitter or on our Global Greek World Facebook Page!

In just a few months we have had readers visit us from 80 countries - with the USA, Greece, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia topping the list.

United States (US)
Greece (GR)
Canada (CA)
United Kingdom (GB)
Australia (AU)
New Zealand (NZ)
Germany (DE)
Spain (ES)
Belgium (BE)
France (FR)
Netherlands (NL)
India (IN)
Cyprus (CY)
Brazil (BR)
Italy (IT)
Sweden (SE)
Hungary (HU)
Romania (RO)
Switzerland (CH)
Poland (PL)
Austria (AT)
Mexico (MX)
Argentina (AR)
Finland (FI)
Philippines (PH)
South Africa (ZA)
Saudi Arabia (SA)
Ireland (IE)
Turkey (TR)
Portugal (PT)
Croatia (HR)
Denmark (DK)
Bulgaria (BG)
Japan (JP)
Oman (OM)
Pakistan (PK)
Peru (PE)
Russian Federation (RU)
Norway (NO)
Serbia (RS)
China (CN)
Singapore (SG)
Togo (TG)
Iran, Islamic Republic of (IR)
Nigeria (NG)
Hong Kong (HK)
Thailand (TH)
Czech Republic (CZ)
Benin (BJ)
Luxembourg (LU)
Colombia (CO)
Ukraine (UA)
Indonesia (ID)
Egypt (EG)
Malaysia (MY)
Cote D'Ivoire (CI)
Latvia (LV)
Sri Lanka (LK)
Costa Rica (CR)
Georgia (GE)
Kuwait (KW)
Lithuania (LT)
Malta (MT)
Qatar (QA)
Jordan (JO)
Uruguay (UY)
Bolivia (BO)
Lebanon (LB)
United Arab Emirates (AE)
Taiwan (TW)
Panama (PA)
Nicaragua (NI)
Trinidad and Tobago (TT)
Monaco (MC)
Slovakia (SK)
Venezuela (VE)
Dominican Republic (DO)
Senegal (SN)
Korea, Republic of (KR)

Thanks a million for visiting and please don't hesitate to let us know what you would like to see more of on here in the future!


  1. Keep up the great work!

  2. Thanks very much, Stavros! It's a real compliment coming from a great blogger like you!!!


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