Thursday, June 17, 2010

Global Greeks: Did you know Martha Stewart is One of our Global Greeks?

Martha Stewart 
Photo Source: David Shankbone

American home living business magnate Martha Helen Kostyra Stewart revealed that she has Greek heritage and that her father's family comes from the island of Kos, the home of Hippocrates, in the Dodecanese. 

As she told National Herald's Liana Sideri  

on my father’s side, a long time ago, I found out that I’m Greek, from the beautiful island of Kos. The family ultimately ended up in Poland. I have been to the island of Kos, and I saw the legendary sycamore tree under which Hippocrates is said to have authored his famous Hippocratic oath,” she said, informing the audience that she has grown three of these trees by procuring seeds from the Hippocrates Tree in Kos and bringing them to the United States.....  

We read it here on page 6 of the Hellenic Medical Society News,
(Thanks Liz K)


  1. Once again, give me a break. -J.YO'

  2. Why should you want a break? Did you read the link? Happy Easter!


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